Chris Dillon
British Library. Collection Metadata Systems Analyst
Ohtsuka Yasuyo
British Library. Curator Japanese Collections
New sources of cataloguing data: the cases of British Library Language of Cataloguing Taskforce and Nihon Shoshi Sakusei Benkyôkai
In 2023 the Language of Cataloguing Taskforce (LoCT) was set up in the British Library to look at existing rules for the derivation of non-Roman script cataloguing records from other libraries with the aim of finding new sources of records (our main sources hitherto being OCLC including LC records and, for Japanese, NACSIS records). Particular attention was paid to whether it would be possible to use records whose language of cataloguing (as found in MARC 21 field 040$b) was not eng (English) and if so which fields would need to be altered. This would be a major difference from cataloguing practice hitherto.
The advent of AI enables, for example, the use of non-English note fields in records perhaps with a few English keywords, as machine translation is good enough to render at least the gist of the original Japanese note fields. (See the Japanese abstract below for an example of similar content translated by DeepL.)
We visited many Japanese libraries, met their librarians and discovered which sources and workflows they used. We also discovered the existence of Nihon Shoshi Sakusei Benkyôkai (literally the Japan Bibliographic Cataloguing Study Group) which has members at many major Japanese libraries and whose activities have some overlap with LoCT’s.
LoCT also looked at how records from other libraries including records with 040$b other than English, could be used in British Library workflows and whether extra software would be required for importing or working with them.
We shall share our findings with the conference. We found not only possible new sources of Japanese language records but also became aware of high quality Japanese records describing materials in other Asian languages including Korean, Sanskrit, Thai, etc.
We are interested to hear from delegates whether they are aware of other sources of records.
2023年、大英図書館に「目録言語タスクフォース(LoCT)」が設置され、他の図書館から の非ローマ字目録レコードの派生[目録作成]に関する既存の規則を検討し、レコードの新たな情報源 (これまでの主な情報源は、LC レコードを含む OCLC と、日本語については NACSIS レコードであった) を見つけることを目的とした。特に、目録の言語(MARC 21のフィールド040$bに記載されている)がeng(英語)でないレコードを使用することが可能かどうか、可能であればどのフィールドを変更する必要があるかに注意を払った。これは、これまでの目録実務との大きな違いとなる。
[Corrections in square brackets are the only ones I made when using DeepL.]